Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Running a test set through OTA API

‘Option Explicit

Public Sub RunTestSet(otdc, tsFolderName, tSetName, _
HostName, runWhere)

Dim TSetFact, tsList
Dim theTestSet
Dim tsTreeMgr
Dim tsFolder
Dim Scheduler
Dim nPath
Dim execStatus

‘ Get the test set tree manager from the test set factory
‘tdc is the global TDConnection object.
Set TSetFact = otdc.TestSetFactory
Set tsTreeMgr = otdc.TestSetTreeManager
‘ Get the test set folder passed as an argument to the example code
nPath = “Root\” & Trim(tsFolderName)
Set tsFolder = tsTreeMgr.NodeByPath(nPath)
If tsFolder Is Nothing Then
err.Raise vbObjectError + 1, “RunTestSet”, “Could not find folder ” & nPath
End If

‘ Search for the test set passed as an argument to the example code

Set tsList = tsFolder.FindTestSets(tSetName)

If tsList Is Nothing Then
err.Raise vbObjectError + 1, “RunTestSet”, “Could not find test set in the ” & nPath
End If

If tsList.Count > 1 Then
MsgBox “FindTestSets found more than one test set: refine search”
Exit Sub
ElseIf tsList.Count < 1 Then
MsgBox “FindTestSets: test set not found”
Exit Sub
End If
Set theTestSet = tsList.Item(1)
‘Debug.Print theTestSet.ID

‘Start the scheduler on the local machine
Set Scheduler = theTestSet.StartExecution(HostName)

‘Set up for the run depending on where the test instances
‘ are to execute.

Select Case runWhere
‘Run all tests on the local machine
Scheduler.RunAllLocally = True
‘Run tests on a specified remote machine
Scheduler.TdHostName = HostName
‘ RunAllLocally must not be set for
‘ remote invocation of tests.
‘ Do not do this:
‘ Scheduler.RunAllLocally = False
‘Run on the hosts as planned in the test set
Dim TSTestFact, TestList
Dim tsFilter
Dim TSTst
‘Get the test instances from the test set
Set TSTestFact = theTestSet.TSTestFactory
Set tsFilter = TSTestFact.Filter
tsFilter.Filter(“TC_CYCLE_ID”) = theTestSet.ID
Set TestList = TSTestFact.NewList(tsFilter.Text)
Scheduler.RunAllLocally = False
End Select

‘Run the tests

Set execStatus = Scheduler.ExecutionStatus

While (RunFinished = False)
execStatus.RefreshExecStatusInfo “all”, True
RunFinished = execStatus.Finished
End Sub


Const qcHostName = “”
Const qcDomain = “”
Const qcProject = “” ‘Please define here the name of the project
Const qcUser = “” ‘Please define here the username
Const qcPassword = “” ‘Please define here the password
Dim tdc
Dim qcServer
Dim objArgs
Dim strArg
Dim strTestSet
Dim bRunCode

‘======GETTING ARGUMENTS==============
set objArgs = WScript.Arguments
If WScript.Arguments.Count<1 Or WScript.Arguments.Count>2 Then
WScript.Echo “Please enter the name of the test set”
bRunCode = False
For Each strArg in objArgs
WScript.Echo strArg&” is starting…”
strTestSet = strArg
bRunCode = True
End If

If bRunCode Then
qcServer = “http://” & qcHostName
qcServer = qcServer & “/qcbin”
Set tdc = CreateObject(“tdapiole80.tdconnection”)

If (tdc Is Nothing) Then
MsgBox “tdc object is empty”
End If

tdc.InitConnectionEx qcServer
tdc.Login qcUser, qcPassword
tdc.Connect qcDomain, qcProject

RunTestSet tdc, “Insert here path to the test set”, strTestSet , “Insert here the name of the machine”, “RUN_LOCAL”

‘Disconnect from the project
If tdc.Connected Then
End If
‘Log off the server
If tdc.LoggedIn Then
End If
‘Release the TDConnection object.
”Check status (For illustrative purposes.)
Set tdc = Nothing
End IF